Africa Ventures Advisory

We facilitate entrepreneurship and business opportunities so that we develop in partnership and contribute to new narratives

The Founder

Dr. Christian Lindfeld

Christian is the Managing Director of Africa Ventures Advisory. He is an entrepreneur, advisor and investor, has founded multiple companies himself, and brings in over 15 years of international management consulting and leadership experience. He is passionate about entrepreneurship and business opportunities on the African continent and has successfully implemented numerous projects in various African countries.


Whether you're an SME seeking growth opportunities, an emerging startup looking to establish your footprint in Africa, or an institution aiming to navigate the diverse African landscape, our expertise will contribute your success. Explore our services to discover how we can help you harness the incredible entrepreneurship and business opportunities offered by the dynamic African countries.

Market Entry & Expansion

Market Entry is the first step of your African business journey. Once you are settled and have gained some experience, the second step will be Market Expansion. We will assist you during both steps and offer you a long-term partnership in order to implement a successful and sustainable growth. 

In order to efficiently assess and advise you on your Market Entry or Market Expansion strategy into Africa, we review your case from the owner’s perspective. Taking into consideration your needs, risk profile and long-term business plans, we are dedicated to developing a suitable strategy for your goals together with you and your team. Our services reach from providing assistance in deciding which countries to expand to, up to the full  implementation of your project on the ground.

Venture Building & Entrepreneurship

New ventures and startups are like a magnet for young African entrepreneurs who tackle the challenges of daily life with innovative services and products. The so called "digital natives" leapfrog with tech-based ventures into new offerings and lay the ground for future SMEs in Africa.  

Having experienced and facilitated entrepreneurship ourselves and founded various companies on the continent, we know about the needs and processes as well as the difficulties that arise. We support entrepreneurs during all phases of building a new venture with our expertise and network. It is not uncommon for us to do early stage invest ourselves or to advise in return for equity. We are as flexible in advising entrepreneurs as the entrepreneurs themselves need to be.

Knowledge & Thought Leadership

With our vast experience on the continent and our strong academic backgrounds and linkages we are a valuable resource for politicians, foundations and (non-) governmental institutions seeking in-depth insights into the diverse African landscape. 

Our team provides comprehensive country-specific knowledge, offering a deep understanding of political, economic, and social dynamics across the continent. We deliver up-to-date analysis, helping our partners to make informed decisions for their engagements in Africa. We also participate as speakers and panelists at events, delivering engaging and informative presentations that not only showcase our in-depth knowledge but also contribute to new narratives and open discussions.


Focus countries in Africa

Based on our experience and network on the ground, we specialise on the countries Egypt, Senegal, Ghana, Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Namibia and South Africa. Besides these countries we focus on, we have conducted projects and have up-to-date insights into other African countries and are happy to assist you in your African endeavour.


BAFA Africa Consulting Vouchers 

Africa Ventures Advisory is listed by the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) as part of the Africa consulting vouchers programme. 

The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) uses the ‘Africa Consulting Vouchers’ to subsidise external consulting services with up to 85% of the consulting costs in order to provide German small and medium-sized enterprises with needs-oriented advice on their economic projects in Africa. 


Projects, Partners & Initiatives

Advisory Projects

Company Building & Entrepreneurship


Initiatives & Memberships


"I believe in the shared growth story of the African continent and Europe, made possible through entrepreneurship and business opportunities driven by the next generation of African and European business leaders and entrepreneurs."

Dr. Christian Lindfeld

Managing Director

Christian is the founder and Managing Director at Africa Ventures Advisory. He is an entrepreneur, advisor and investor, has founded multiple companies himself, and brings in over 15 years of global management consulting and leadership experience.

Over the last 10 years, his enthusiasm for entrepreneurship and business opportunities on the African continent has grown steadily. Christian has been living with his family in South Africa for a long time and has managed projects in more than 15 African countries. 

After holding various positions at KPMG, including KPMG Germany, KPMG South Africa and KPMG Global, he founded Africa Advisors in 2019 to add an entrepreneurial component to his advisory approach, which he is now pursuing with even more focus through his spin-off Africa Ventures Advisory.

Through his extensive entrepreneurial and consulting experience, Christian regularly publishes thought leadership & articles and speaks at conferences & events. Christian shares his knowledge in entrepreneurship and development management with the Next Generation through his lectureship at the University of Applied Sciences Neu-Ulm. 

Yannik Emrich


Yannik is an Advisor at Africa Ventures Advisory since its inception. With a profound academic background in economics, specializing in the Middle East and Africa, Yannik brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the team. His management specialization further bolsters his abilities in navigating complex business landscapes.

Together with Christian, he has been successful in conducting projects during their time with Africa Advisors. Their combined efforts have paved the way for numerous ventures to flourish in the dynamic African market.

As a passionate advocate for economic growth and development in the region, Yannik remains committed to driving positive change and fostering thriving partnerships across Africa. With his expertise and enthusiasm, Africa Ventures Advisory is guiding businesses towards success on the continent.



"The next generation of business professionals and entrepreneurs from Africa and Germany has the potential to significantly influence both regions economically. With increased exchange and joint forces, the chances for success in this mission increase notably."


Feel invited to contact us in order to discuss 

  • how you might benefit from our support
  • possibilities of working together
  • how a partnership with us might benefit both sides
  • your contribution to new narratives



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